Do you need a Cincinnati child pornography lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio? Sure & Associates, LLC is exactly who you need in your corner fighting for you. Our team of experienced criminal defense lawyers has represented clients in a wide range of internet sex crime cases, and we can help you too.
Child pornography charges are extremely serious in Ohio, which means that you need to take your defense extremely seriously as well. Once investigators have you in their sights, they are not going to stop until they put you behind bars.
The only thing that can stop prosecutors is an aggressive defense lawyer fighting for your rights. Do not wait another day to begin fighting back; contact us or call (513) 333-0014 today for a free consultation.
Cincinnati Child Pornography Lawyer
Do you need a Cincinnati child pornography lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio? Sure & Associates, LLC is exactly who you need in your corner fighting for you. Our team of experienced criminal defense lawyers have represented clients in a wide range of internet sex crimes cases, and we can help you too.
Child pornography charges are extremely serious in Ohio, which means that you need to take your defense extremely seriously as well. Once investigators have you in their sights, they are not going to stop until they put you behind bars.
The only thing that can stop prosecutors is an aggressive defense lawyer fighting for your rights. Do not wait another day to begin fighting back; contact us today for a free consultation.
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How Can Sure & Associates, LLC Help Me With Child Pornography Allegations in Cincinnati?
Sure & Associates, LLC treats every case with energy and attention to detail. We know the importance of disputing each piece of evidence against you and using every constitutional tool available to secure a favorable outcome in your case.
Sure & Associates, LLC has a deep bench of former police officers and prosecutors who have dedicated their lives to criminal law. For instance, our founding attorney Joe Suhre was a police officer for years before becoming an attorney. He now has over 20 years of criminal defense experience, and has been recognized as a Super Lawyer in Cincinnati.
When you choose Sure & Associates, LLC to defend you against allegations of child pornography, we begin developing your defense by:
- Understanding your side of the story
- Invoking your right to remain silent
- Challenging the search warrant for your computer or residence
- Retaining our own computer forensics experts
- Negotiating for dismissal or reduction of charges
Ultimately, if the state fails to drop your case or provide a satisfactory resolution, our trial team will be unleashed. Sometimes the mere threat of aggressive trial counsel is enough to help your situation.
Do not sit back while the state turns your life upside down. Contact us right now for a free consultation with a Cincinnati criminal defense lawyer.
What is a Child Pornography Charge in Ohio?
In Ohio, the crime of child pornography is formally referred to as “pandering sexually-oriented material involving a minor.” Child pornography is any material portraying a minor participating in sexual activity, masturbation, or bestiality. A minor is anyone under the age of 18 pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 2907.01(M).
Ohio Revised Code Section 2907.322 prohibits the following as it relates to child pornography:
- Reproducing, recording, publishing, recording, filming, photographing, or creating child pornography
- Advertising, displaying, distributing, transporting, selling, or disseminating child pornography
- Creating, directing, or producing child pornography
- Advertising, presenting, or participating in the presentation of child pornography
- Knowingly receiving, soliciting, purchasing, possessing, exchanging, or controlling child pornography
- Bringing or causing child pornography to be brought into Ohio
Ohio does not allow a mistake of age as a valid defense. Ohio law also allows the jury to infer that the person depicted is a minor based on the title, text, or visual representation if it appears to depict a minor.
Innocent people may find themselves accused of crimes they did not commit. Sure & Associates, LLC knows how to work with computer forensic experts to rebut claims that you possessed child pornography.
What are the Penalties for Child Pornography Charges in Ohio?
Child pornography charges are extremely serious and can have life-altering consequences. This is why Sure & Associates, LLC takes these cases so seriously. We understand how scary these cases are for our clients, and we do everything we can for our clients who have put their trust in us.
Child pornography is considered a felony in Cincinnati, Ohio. Felonies are the most serious type of crime. The punishment varies depending on the charge for pandering sexually explicit material depicting a minor.
Three felony classifications typically apply to pandering child pornography charges:
- Second Degree Felony: Two years prison minimum to 12 years prison maximum
- Third Degree Felony: One year prison minimum to five years prison max
- Fourth Degree Felony: Six months prison minimum to 18 months prison max
Other penalties can include lengthy terms of community supervision and mandatory registration with the state as a sex offender. Failing to comply with all the terms of community supervision or the sex offender registry can result in a revocation of probation or new criminal charges.
The criminal complaint provided to you in court will contain the specific penalties you are facing. An experienced criminal defense lawyer should carefully go over your complaint with you to properly advise you.
If you are convicted of a sex crime, you are going to be trapped in the system for years to come. Sure & Associates, LLC will fight your case tooth and nail to prevent a conviction.
What is the Sex Offender Registry?
The sex offender registry was created by the state of Ohio, with the stated purpose of protecting the public by notifying them about convicted sex offenders in their community. In reality, the public registry serves a much more punitive purpose. It subjects registrants to public humiliation and decreased job prospects years after they have served their punishment and debt to society.
Sure & Associates, LLC knows that the only way to keep you off the registry is winning your child pornography case. This is why we utilize every constitutional and investigative tool at our disposal to prove your innocence. Get us involved early to prevent having to register as a sex offender in Cincinnati, Ohio.
There are three tiers of sex offenders recognized by the registry, each subjecting the registrant to different requirements upon release from prison:
- Tier One Registrants
- Tier Two Registrants
- Tier Three Registrants
Ohio Revised Code Section 2950.01 classifies all those convicted of violating the child pornography statute as Tier Two Sex Offenders. Tier Two Registrants must be registered with their local sheriff for 25 years and check in with them every 180 days to provide updated information.
There are additional requirments and restrictions placed on registered sex offenders beyond meeting periodically with law enforcement. Failing to register or comply with all the requirements of the registry can result in new felony charges.
If you have any questions about sex offender registry requirements, be sure to consult with an experienced attorney at Sure & Associates, LLC.
What Defenses are Available to Child Pornography Charges?
The only way to avoid a prison term and sex offender registry is winning your child pornography case through a dismissal, reduction, or acquittal. Sure & Associates, LLC prepares every single case for trial. This allows us to find weaknesses in the prosecution’s case that would not otherwise be found with a less thorough approach.
Our philosophy puts us in a stronger position for negotiations because we know how a trial will go.
Some of the important defense tools we can use to prepare for trial include:
- Proving it was not you who viewed the material
- Attacking a search as unconstitutional such that evidence must be suppressed
- Attacking incriminating statements obtained in violation of your rights
- Proving that the subject was not a minor
- Establishing that the state cannot meet its burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt
Of course, each case is unique, and an attorney will need to examine your case to evaluate which defenses may apply.
Contact Our Cincinnati Child Pornography Lawyers for a Free Consultation
If the state is investigating you, you need the Cincinnati child pornography lawyers at Sure & Associates, LLC. Our experienced criminal defense team has former prosecutors and police officers who know exactly how to find holes in the state’s case against you. Our track record of winning at trial speaks for itself, and the state knows not to mess with us.
Contact us today for a free initial consultation about your case.