Title IX
My Son Was Accused of a Title IX Violation in Ohio. What Should I Do?
May 18, 2023 | Title IX
The Ohio Department of Education complies with Title IX. If your child was accused of a Title IX violation in Ohio, you are probably panicking. You may be worried your child will be kicked out of school, face criminal charges, or damage their reputation. Perhaps you don’t know anything about Title IX. The reality is… read more
Actions That Are Treated As Title IX Violations
April 15, 2023 | Title IX
Do you believe you or someone you love has been falsely accused of a Title IX violation? If so, it is imperative to immediately seek assistance from a defense lawyer who is knowledgeable about Title IX actions. While these are not technically criminal charges, they should be taken just as seriously because they have the… read more
Does Online Harassment Apply Under Title IX in Ohio?
March 23, 2023 | Title IX
Many people mistakenly believe that Title IX only applies to physical actions, such as sexual assault and rape. However, the federal antidiscrimination law also applies to sexual harassment, which includes cyber-stalking and other forms of online harassment. This makes sense; after all, one of the primary purposes of Title IX is to foster a safe… read more
What You Need to Know About the Biden Administration’s Title IX New Regulations
March 22, 2023 | Title IX
The Biden Administration made the proposed changes to Title IX available for public comment in June 2022. During the 60-day public comment period, more than 238,000 comments were received. Currently, the Biden Administration is set to release a final rule amending Title IX regulations in May 2023. How Does Title IX Impact Schools and Universities?… read more
Are Title IX Complaints Public?
March 21, 2023 | Title IX
Under Title IX, all students have the right to access educational programs and activities without fear of discrimination based on gender or sex-based factors. Schools must also provide victims with support services such as counseling and medical care following an incident involving sexual misconduct or violence. Additionally, schools must further prevent incidents by making sure… read more