Ohio Law

Ohio’s Marijuana Laws

Ohio legalized recreational marijuana for adults 21 years old and older in December 2023. However, there are still restrictions on the use of recreational marijuana in the state. You could still be charged with a marijuana offense if you are not careful with the use of recreational marijuana. Ohio Recreational Marijuana Laws Recreational marijuana is… read more

Ohio Child Protective Services — CPS

Whether one has been accused of committing child abuse or neglect or is reporting it, the government agency that will take the leading role in the case is often called “child protective services” (CPS). If you’re unfamiliar with these agencies, here’s what to know about how they operate and what to expect when dealing with… read more

Ohio Self-Defense Laws

If you find yourself facing charges despite believing you acted in self-defense, Ohio’s laws may provide important protections for your case. Understanding when self-defense is a viable argument and what you need to do to protect yourself is essential.  Definition of Self-Defense in Ohio Self-defense is a legal doctrine that permits people to use reasonable… read more

How Long Can You Be Held in Jail Before a Conviction in Ohio?

The criminal justice system in Ohio can be confusing and overwhelming if you have never dealt with charges before. The key thing to remember is that when you are charged with a crime in Ohio, it does not take away your rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Ohio Constitution. The Ohio Rules… read more

What You Need To Know About Expungement in Ohio

Some people convicted of crimes in Ohio are eligible for expungement. Expungement is a process where a person’s criminal and arrest records are erased. This can help a person avoid obstacles that come with a criminal conviction. Unfortunately, only certain people and types of offenses are eligible for expungement under Ohio law. An Ohio expungement… read more

How the Adult and Juvenile Criminal Processes Are Different in Ohio

Most people have at least a basic understanding of how Ohio’s adult criminal justice system functions. However, not everyone realizes how different it is for juvenile proceedings. If your loved one is under 18 and facing criminal charges, having some understanding of the differences between adult and juvenile proceedings will give you a better idea… read more

Is It Illegal To Hack Someone’s Phone in Ohio?

Illegal hacking is a serious problem in the United States and worldwide. Hackers are continually finding more creative ways to access our electronic devices, including cell phones. Additionally, the tools hackers use have become more and more difficult to stop as they use sophisticated systems to gain unauthorized access to our electronic devices. How Does… read more

Criminal Trespassing Charges in Cincinnati

Trespassing in Ohio can be defined by a variety of actions, all falling under the umbrella of unauthorized access or occupancy. If you perform any of the following behaviors without obtaining appropriate permission, consent, or authorization from respective owners, charges of criminal trespassing may follow: In the context of Ohio trespassing laws, the term ‘land,… read more

Is It Illegal To Have Sex in a Car?

People have sex in all types of places and under numerous conditions. While we think about teenagers having sex in a car, the activity is not limited to teens. Many adults engage in sexual conduct in cars. However, could you be arrested for having sex in a car in Cincinnati, Ohio? If so, what conditions… read more

Are Police Scanners Legal in Ohio?

Understandably, many people find it essential to stay informed about what’s happening in their local communities. One tool that some people use to keep up with emergency services and law enforcement activities is a police scanner. However, the legality of these devices in Ohio raises some questions. What is a Police Scanner? A police scanner… read more