Sex Crimes

What is the Difference Between Escorting and Prostitution?

Many people use the words “escorting” and “prostituting” interchangeably. However, when performed correctly, an escort may offer a legal service to a client. Unfortunately, many prostitution enterprises hide behind the word “escort.”  In short, prostitution is the exchange of sex for money or something else of value. On the other hand, escorting offers a person’s… read more

Are You Legally Required to Tell Someone You Have Herpes in Ohio?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Herpes can be spread by having sex with another person. Currently, there is no cure for genital herpes. If you give someone an STD, you could be sued for damages in a personal injury lawsuit. Additionally, it is illegal to knowingly harm another person under Ohio… read more

Butler County Pastor Pleads Guilty in Child Sex Crime Case

A pastor in Butler County pled guilty to charges of enticement and coercion earlier in June 2020. Before proceeding, we want to warn you that some of the details of the case may be disturbing. Cesar Agusto Guerrero, Jr. admitted that he engaged in sexual acts twice with a 17-year old girl. The sexual acts… read more

What Is the Age of Consent in Ohio?

Here in the Buckeye State, the age of consent is 16. That means – in the eyes of the law – anyone younger than 16 simply doesn’t have the maturity to engage in sexual acts, including oral sex. Even if you were told by your partner that they’re older than 16, police could still charge… read more

Can You Go to Jail for Soliciting a Prostitute in Ohio?

What does it mean if you have been accused of solicitation of a prostitute? You know that you will face some penalties if you are convicted. However, could you be sentenced to jail time? What is solicitation? Prostitution and solicitation are two different crimes that are often grouped together. Prostitution is the act of performing sexual acts… read more