Cincinnati Gun Rights Attorney

If you’re facing gun-related charges in Cincinnati, OH, or if you’re worried that your firearm rights could be at risk for another reason, a Cincinnati gun rights attorney at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers can guide you through the legal system. Contact us today at (513) 333-0014.

Ohio has rules for firearm owners, and even small missteps can cause big problems. Our Cincinnati criminal defense lawyers can help defend your right to lawfully own, carry, or purchase a weapon and will work to minimize any potential penalties you may face. Contact us to schedule a free consultation

How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested For Violating Gun Laws

How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested For Violating Gun Laws

If you’re arrested for violating gun laws in Cincinnati, OH, it’s important to know you have the right to a skilled legal defense.

Our legal team at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers can help by:

  • Evaluating the evidence and reviewing the details of your arrest to ensure law enforcement followed proper protocols. If they didn’t, we can file a motion to suppress evidence that was collected if it violated your constitutional rights. 
  • Explaining potential penalties and discussing the possible outcomes based on the charges you’re facing. 
  • Negotiating with prosecutors to seek reduced charges or alternatives to jail time if possible. 

If you’re a defendant and need help with a gun charge or any other criminal matter in Cincinnati, Ohio, we can help you. Contact Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Cincinnati criminal defense attorney.  

Overview of Gun Rights and Laws in Ohio 

In Ohio, you may buy rifles, shotguns, or handguns without applying for or obtaining a permit. As long as you follow the rules – such as buying from a licensed dealer and passing a background check – you can legally own these types of firearms. Family members can also give you guns as gifts. You do not have to hold a license for ownership, and there’s no need to register any firearms you own.

While it’s easy to obtain a firearm, there are still gun laws you must follow, and if you fail to do so, you could face criminal charges such as: 

Carrying Concealed Weapons

The state law follows a “shall issue” model for concealed carry permits. As long as you submit the proper application and aren’t barred from owning or carrying a firearm, you’re entitled to receive a license. If you don’t obtain this license, you can face criminal charges for carrying concealed weapons. Additionally, it’s forbidden by law to carry firearms in some locations, and private businesses can choose to restrict firearms on their property.

Weapons Under Disability

Under Ohio law, it’s unlawful for you to knowingly obtain, keep, carry, or use a firearm or dangerous weapon if any of these conditions are met: 

  • You’re a fugitive from justice
  • You’re under indictment for or have a prior violent felony conviction
  • You’re charged with or convicted of a felony involving drugs
  • You struggle with substance dependence
  • You’ve been officially found to be mentally incompetent.

There are other weapons offenses you can face, but these are two of the most commonly charged in Ohio.

What Are the Penalties For Gun Crimes in Cincinnati, Ohio?

If you’re charged with a gun crime in Cincinnati, Ohio, you might find yourself facing serious consequences. Below are some of the possible offenses and their penalties under Ohio law:

Carrying Concealed Weapons

A first-time conviction for carrying concealed weapons is usually a first-degree misdemeanor in Ohio. If convicted, you could spend as long as 180 days in jail and face a fine of up to $1,000.

If you have a second conviction or there are aggravating factors (such as a loaded gun or ammunition available, or if the weapon is dangerous artillery), carrying a concealed firearm typically becomes a fourth-degree felony. This carries six to 18 months in prison and fines of up to $5,000.

Weapon Under Disability 

Possessing a firearm while you’re not allowed to do so is a third-degree felony, which can lead to nine to 36 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

If you or a loved one is charged with a gun crime in Cincinnati, contact a qualified criminal defense lawyer right away to protect your rights and explore your possible defenses.

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested For Gun Charges? 

If you’ve been arrested on gun charges in Cincinnati, Ohio, you may be afraid about the potential outcomes. However, you have legal options worth exploring. Below are some of the most common legal defenses that can be raised:

  • Illegal Search and Seizure: If law enforcement officers violated your rights or didn’t have a proper warrant, important evidence might be thrown out. 
  • No Knowledge: You could be charged with possessing a firearm even if it wasn’t actually on you, which is known as constructive possession. Your lawyer could argue the weapon wasn’t actually yours or that you didn’t know it was in your car, home, or wherever they found it. 
  • Mistaken Identity: In some situations, law enforcement might have confused you with someone else who was committing a crime. 

A criminal defense lawyer can help you figure out the defenses that apply to your specific case. 

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a Cincinnati Gun Rights Attorney

If you or someone you know is facing gun charges in Cincinnati, Ohio, don’t hesitate to seek legal guidance. A criminal defense attorney can help you understand your gun rights and challenge the evidence against you. These charges carry serious consequences, so it’s essential to get professional help as soon as possible. Contact Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Cincinnati gun rights lawyer.