Legal Blog & Information

Actions That Are Treated As Title IX Violations

Do you believe you or someone you love has been falsely accused of a Title IX violation? If so, it is imperative to immediately seek assistance from a defense lawyer who is knowledgeable about Title IX actions.  While these are not technically criminal charges, they should be taken just as seriously because they have the… read more

Where Does the Money Go When I Pay My License Reinstatement Fee for an OVI in Ohio?

If you’ve been arrested or convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol (OVI) or a related offense in Cincinnati, Ohio, you likely had your license suspended. To reinstate your driver’s license, you must pay a $475 fee to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMW) – but where does that… read more

Does Online Harassment Apply Under Title IX in Ohio?

Many people mistakenly believe that Title IX only applies to physical actions, such as sexual assault and rape. However, the federal antidiscrimination law also applies to sexual harassment, which includes cyber-stalking and other forms of online harassment.  This makes sense; after all, one of the primary purposes of Title IX is to foster a safe… read more

What You Need to Know About the Biden Administration’s Title IX New Regulations

The Biden Administration made the proposed changes to Title IX available for public comment in June 2022. During the 60-day public comment period, more than 238,000 comments were received. Currently, the Biden Administration is set to release a final rule amending Title IX regulations in May 2023. How Does Title IX Impact Schools and Universities?… read more

Are Title IX Complaints Public?

Under Title IX, all students have the right to access educational programs and activities without fear of discrimination based on gender or sex-based factors. Schools must also provide victims with support services such as counseling and medical care following an incident involving sexual misconduct or violence.  Additionally, schools must further prevent incidents by making sure… read more

Can a 17-year-old Girl Date an 18-Year-Old Boy? And if They Have Sexual Relations at That Age, is it Illegal in Ohio?

It’s important for 18-year-olds in Ohio to understand its age of consent laws so that they don’t inadvertently find themselves facing serious sex crimes accusations due to ignorance or misunderstanding about what constitutes an appropriate romantic relationship. What You Need to Know About Ohio’s Age of Consent Laws In Ohio, it is illegal for someone… read more

How To Prove Innocence When Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

Accusations of sexual assault and other sex crimes carry significant weight and can have devastating consequences for the accused. These allegations can ruin reputations, careers, and even entire lives, regardless of whether the accused is guilty.  The cultural and societal stigma associated with sexual assault can make it challenging for the accused to receive a… read more

Can Airport Police Stop You for DUI After Drinking on a Flight?

Many people like to have alcoholic drinks on the airplane. It helps calm the nerves and pass the time on a flight. However, you should never drive after drinking heavily on a plane.  You can be charged for driving under the influence at the airport. A DUI on airport property could result in state or… read more

UPDATED for 10/23 Change: Ohio Is Eliminating Expungement for M4 Domestic Violence Charges. Here’s Why You Must Act Fast

Everyone makes mistakes, and it can be unfair for those mistakes to follow you around for the rest of your life. In Ohio, people who have been convicted of certain crimes may be able to get their records expunged once they’ve “paid” for those mistakes. This can be especially helpful if you are looking for… read more

What To Do If You’re Facing an Underage DUI Charge in Ohio

Being charged with a DUI can be a frightening experience, especially if you’re under 21. The repercussions of an underage DUI charge in Ohio can be severe and long-lasting, so it’s important to take the proper steps to protect yourself. Here are some things you should do if you find yourself facing an underage DUI… read more