March 24, 2023 | DUI/OVI
If you’ve been arrested or convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol (OVI) or a related offense in Cincinnati, Ohio, you likely had your license suspended. To reinstate your driver’s license, you must pay a $475 fee to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMW) – but where does that money go?
Below, we explain OVI and administrative license suspension (ALS) and how the State of Ohio allocates reinstatement funds.
OVI-Related Offenses Result in License Suspension in Ohio
In Ohio, drunk driving or driving while impaired is labeled “OVI,” similar to other states’ use of DUI or DWI. You can be convicted of this crime if you operate your vehicle under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Under Ohio law, among other potential DUI penalties – such as jail time and fines – your license can be suspended if any of the following occur:
- You agree to take a chemical test, and your test results exceed the legal limit
- You refuse to take a chemical test (e.g., Ohio DUI blood test, Ohio DUI breath test, or Ohio DUI urine test)
- You’re convicted of OVI
You may wonder why your license can be suspended for simply refusing a chemical test. Driving in Ohio is considered a privilege – not a right. Under the state’s implied consent law, when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are deemed to have given your consent to chemical testing if a police officer has probable cause to believe you’re impaired.
The amount of time your license is suspended depends on various factors, such as whether you have a prior OVI conviction.
To have your license reinstated after an OVI suspension or administrative license suspension (ALS) in Ohio, you must typically:
- Serve the suspension as ordered by the court
- Provide proof of insurance
- Pay a reinstatement fee of $475
So, where does the $475 get deposited?
How Are OVI License Reinstatement Fees Used in Ohio?
It’s understandable to wonder where your money goes when you pay a steep fee to the state.
Ohio law indicates that the $475 reinstatement fee is deposited in the state treasury fund and is distributed as follows:
State Bureau of Motor Vehicles Fund (Fund 4W40) – $30.00 – Money in this fund pays for administering traffic laws on public roads and highways and promoting public safety.
Indigent Drivers Alcohol Treatment Fund (Fund 7490) – $37.50 – This fund pays for addiction treatment for OVI offenders who can’t afford these services.
Victims of Crime/Reparations Fund (Fund 4020) – $75.00 – This fund pays reparations granted by the attorney general to crime victims. It also compensates state witnesses and pays for investigation and administrative costs.
Statewide Treatment and Prevention Fund (Fund 4750) – 112.50 – This fund provides mental health and addiction services for state-operated hospitals and facilities.
Services for Rehabilitation Fund (Fund 4L10) – 75.00 – This fund helps rehabilitate people with disabilities and help them find employment and become independent.
Drug Abuse Resistance Education Programs Fund (Fund 4L60) – $75.00 – These funds are granted to Ohio state law enforcement agencies to establish and implement drug abuse education programs in public schools.
Trauma & Emergency Medical Services Grants Fund (Fund 83P0) – $20.00 – The Department of Public Safety uses this fund for state emergency medical, fire, and transportation services and grants.
Indigent Drivers Interlock and Alcohol Monitoring Fund (Fund 5FF0) – $50.00 – Money in this fund pays the cost of installing ignition interlock devices for OVI-convicted people who can’t afford the installation.
Contact a Cincinnati DUI Attorney To Minimize Your Potential Penalties After an Arrest
If you’ve been arrested for impaired driving in Cincinnati, OH, it’s crucial to seek advice from an experienced criminal defense attorney. You can face jail time, steep fines, and a suspension of your driving privileges, which can significantly impact your life.
For more information, contact the criminal defense attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers give us a call today at (513) 333-0014 or visit us at our Cincinnati law office.
Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers – Cincinnati
600 Vine Street, Suite 1004
Cincinnati, OH 45202
United States