Cincinnati Probation Violations Lawyer

Judges order probation for many criminal offenses in Cincinnati, Ohio, including DUI, sex crimes, drug offenses, and theft crimes. Probation could last for several years. You are legally required to obey the terms of probation. Violating probation could result in additional punishments.

At Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers, our criminal defense lawyers fight for your rights. We have more than 100 years of combined experience handling criminal matters. Our team consists of highly qualified legal professionals, including a former police officer and a former prosecutor.

Contact our office to schedule a free consultation with our Cincinnati probation violation lawyers. We are available 24/7 to talk with you about your situation. Call at (513) 333-0014.

How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Defend You Against Probation Violation Charges in Ohio

How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Defend You Against Probation Violation Charges in Ohio

Some individuals avoid jail by serving probation. Other individuals are sentenced to probation after they complete their jail term. Probation can be very restrictive. Depending on the crime and other factors, judges can include harsh restrictions impacting numerous aspects of your life.

If you are charged with violating probation, you need to take the matter very seriously. Talk with an attorney as soon as possible about your legal options for a defense.

When you hire our top-rated Cincinnati criminal defense attorneys, we can help you by:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation into the allegations of probation violation
  • Analyze the evidence the prosecution alleges proves you violated probation
  • Gather evidence supporting a defense to the allegations
  • Aggressively negotiate with the prosecution for a fair plea deal if that is in your best interest
  • Advocate for you in court and take the case to trial if necessary

Our attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers have top ratings from numerous organizations, including Super Lawyers and Avvo. Our lawyers are recognized for their legal services from The National Trial Lawyers Top 100.

Call Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers for a free case evaluation from an experienced Cincinnati probation violation lawyer.

What Is Probation in an Ohio Criminal Case?

Probation, sometimes referred to as “community control” in Ohio, allows a person to serve all or part of their sentence in the community instead of jail or prison. When a judge sentences someone to probation, the judge places restrictions on the person. Examples of restrictions for probation include, but are not limited to:

  • House arrest, with the possibility of wearing an electronic monitor
  • Random drug tests and alcohol monitoring
  • Meeting with a probation officer regularly
  • Payment of fines and probation fees
  • Community service
  • Assignment to a residential treatment facility
  • Curfews
  • Participation in a drug and/or alcohol treatment program
  • Pay restitution to the victim
  • Obey all laws and do not commit another criminal offense
  • Inability to leave the state without permission from the probation office
  • Cannot own or possess certain weapons and firearms
  • Unannounced home visits from the probation officer
  • Avoid contact with specific people, including the victim
  • Mandatory counseling and/or therapy
  • Maintain gainful employment

If you violate any terms of probation, you may be arrested and appear before a judge. The punishment for probation violations depends on numerous factors.

Potential Penalties for Violating Probation in Cincinnati, OH?

Your probation officer and other law enforcement officers may arrest you without a warrant if there is probable cause to believe you violated probation. It is important to remember that being on probation restricts some of your rights. It is crucial to discuss probation restrictions with your attorney to reduce the risk of probation violations.

The penalties for probation violations may include:

  • A minor first violation may result in a warning
  • Additional time added to your probation
  • More restrictive probation terms, including adding new probation terms
  • Revocation of probation (i.e., you serve the rest of your sentence in jail)

When you violate probation, a hearing is scheduled for a judge to hear the details of the probation violation from the prosecutor. You are given the chance to explain to the judge what happened.

The prosecutor does not need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you violated probation. The burden of proof is lower in probation violation cases. Having an experienced defense attorney argue your defense could significantly impact the outcome of the hearing.

Are There Defenses to Charges of Probation Violations in Ohio?

The potential defenses for probation violations depend on the circumstances and factors that led to the charges. An attorney evaluates your case and determines the best defense strategy, which could include:

  • The probation officer or the police violated your rights
  • The probation violation was not within your control
  • You did not intend to violate probation (you made an honest mistake)
  • Mistaken identity – someone accused you, but it was not you
  • The violation was not substantial and/or is your first violation

There could be additional defenses for allegations of probation violations. Talk with an attorney to learn your options for fighting the charges to avoid additional penalties.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Cincinnati Probation Violation Attorney

Violating probation in Ohio can have severe consequences. If you are being accused of probation violations, call Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers for a free case review from a Cincinnati probation violation lawyer. We are here to help you resolve the issue as best we can.