A sensual massage may also be referred to as an erotic massage or sexual massage. However, the most common term used for a sensual massage is a “happy ending massage.” It refers to a massage that includes touching of private areas, such as the genital and the breasts.

If you receive a sensual massage or give a sensual massage in Cincinnati, you can be charged with a sex crime. Section 503.42(D) of the Ohio Revised Code prohibits sexual conduct with someone during a massage.

The law prohibits a person from performing, offering to perform, or agreeing to perform any act that requires touching of the genital or sexual area of a person, including with an apparatus or appliance. A masseuse or masseur cannot wear clothing that reveals their sexual or genital areas or uncover the genital or sexual areas of the person receiving the massage.

Likewise, Chapter 897 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code contains similar language regarding sensual massages. The code states it is unlawful for any person to practice or administer services in a manner intended to appeal to, arouse, or gratify sexual desires. It is also unlawful for a person to touch the genitals during a massage.

Depending on the facts of the case, the person giving the massage could be charged with prostitution. Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual activity for hire. Therefore, if you are paid to perform a sensual massage, you may be charged with prostitution.

Likewise, the person receiving the sensual massage could be charged with soliciting a prostitute. Soliciting a prostitute is defined as paying someone or giving them something of value in exchange for sexual activity.

What Are the Penalties for Prostitution and Solicitation in Cincinnati, OH?

Prostitution is, by default, a third-degree misdemeanor offense. You could receive a sentence of up to 60 days in jail and a fine of $500. Soliciting a prostitute is also a third-degree misdemeanor offense that carries the same penalties.

Can the Owner of a Massage Parlor Be Charged With a Crime for Sensual Massages?

Owners may be charged with one or more sex crimes if they engage in sensual massages at their establishment. Potential charges could include compelling prostitution, sex trafficking, and promoting prostitution. 

Depending on the charges, the owner could be convicted of a felony sex crime that carries up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

What Should I Do if I Am Charged With a Criminal Offense for Receiving a Sensual Massage in Cincinnati, OH?

Unfortunately, innocent patrons at a massage parlor could be caught in a sting operation when law enforcement officers raid the establishment. Another possible situation is entrapment, where a police officer poses as a massage therapist or a customer to solicit a sensual massage.

If you are arrested for a sex crime related to a sensual massage, do not try to explain your actions to the police. Instead, exercise your right to remain silent. Do not answer questions or make a statement without an attorney present.

One of the worst things you can do is assume that a criminal charge related to a sensual massage is a minor offense not worth contacting a lawyer. Any sex crime could result in collateral consequences.

For example, a conviction for a sex crime on your criminal record could impact the outcome of a child custody case. If you have a professional license, a sex crime conviction could result in a revocation of your license or other sanctions. You might not qualify for financial aid or other services with a sex crime conviction on your record.

Regardless of the circumstances, your first call should be to an experienced Cincinnati sex crimes lawyer. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of the elements of the criminal charges. A criminal defense lawyer can develop a defense that proves you are innocent of the charges.

Contact the Cincinnati Sex Crimes Attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers For Help Today

Even if a conviction for prostitution or solicitation does not result in jail time or an expensive fine, it could damage your reputation and cause embarrassment. Before you plead guilty to a criminal charge for sex crimes, consult an attorney to discuss your legal options.

For more information, contact the sex crimes attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers give us a call today at (513) 333-0014 or visit us at our Cincinnati Law Office.

Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers – Cincinnati
600 Vine Street, Suite 1004
Cincinnati, OH 45202
United States